Home Tech today 7 Famous Applications Built with Node.js

7 Famous Applications Built with Node.js


Successful projects inspire others to do the same magnificent products as the QArea team does. So, if you want to replicate the success, then it’s necessary to analyze working principles and tools that unite all the great projects to achieve the same result.

One of those special tools is Node.js, a cross-platform system that builds an efficient environment for apps. Many famous corporations chose Node.js mobile app development to reach business goals and do it just fine. Thus, let’s explore what is so special in Node.js and what is the principle behind the world’s most famous apps.

Node.js: The Point

Node.js is a back-end environment that uses the JavaScript programming language to create functional applications. What makes it so special? Its trick is that the system executes JavaScript separately from a browser. So Node.js development companies can develop separate apps using additional frameworks.

The Concepts Of Program Execution Are As Follows:

  • The lines are executed one by one, sequentially. First the first line, then the second, and so on. From time to time, the program may loop, but in general, it runs linearly.
  • JS functionality is able to execute code in parallel, this is its main feature. Programmers set up event handling, which means that the program knows what to do in each potential situation.
  • The processes in the program are asynchronous. For example, a program can send a request to a database, and while the database is processing the request, the Node.js program will continue to run smoothly.
  • In the case when you developed an app in JavaScript and want to implement integrations and scaling, there is no need to write the software again in another programming language. In the Node.js system, you can copy the existing code and paste it into the server. All you need to do is adjust the I/O.

This is the main essence and feature of the Node.js system. By the way, it’s much easier to outsource Node.js development instead of hiring in-house employees or overloading the existing ones. So let’s see the best practices of well-known companies: from Netflix to eBay.

The Node.js’ Portfolio

There are the most famous and literally excellent profit-makers, the applications built on Node.js. Learn how the back-end system helps to increase the demand and repute of these projects.


LinkedIn is a business social network that helps users worldwide find work and establish social connections. Node.js has extended the capabilities of the back end of the LinkedIn mobile app. The service finds contact with other services efficiently and integrates them into the application platform.


Netflix is one of the most renowned entertainment providers out there. The company’s engineers used Node.js to develop an incredibly fast, modular, and lightweight application. As a result, the load time of the Node.js web application has been reduced by more than 50%. The company moved the entire data access layer to Node.



The company is a transportation company that operates in a taxi app format. Uber was one of the pioneers that have chosen to build the app using Node.js. The application functions quickly and processes information in real-time, so bugs and errors can be resolved fast and painless.


eBay is an e-commerce company that provides online selling services. The business app based on Node.js works in real-time, thereby providing the company with the uninterrupted operation and stable profit. In addition, with the help of NodeJS, it implemented a huge number of eBay-specific services without additional resource costs.


PayPal is a fintech company that conducts payment transactions online. On the platform, users can make financial transactions in the desired currencies. With the help of Node.js, important team roles in software development can be performed with higher productivity by quickly fixing bugs and implementing improvements.


Mozilla is a famous Firefox web browser. The company also builds tech projects and uses Node.js for most of them so they highlighted two main reasons for choosing Node.js. The first is the amount of memory that allows you to scale and store a huge amount of data. Secondly, convenience, which allows using one language both on the server and on the client side of projects.


Yahoo is a technology company known for its service products such as web browser, and news. The company uses Node.js for its application and marvels at how every property that engineers pushed onto the Node.js stack has improved performance. Also, the company uses Node.js to protect its communication sites and single-page applications.


Let’s Take Stock

You can see that each of the companies that we looked at from the angle of using Node.js highlights several main qualities that positively affect the productivity and success of the company:

  • Real-time problem solving;
  • Efficiency, fast data processing;
  • Possibilities for scalability without using additional languages;
  • Conditions for well-coordinated teamwork;
  • Easy to apply, integrate third-party services, and improve the product.

The totality of the described advantages points to only one conclusion. Node.js is a powerful and ambitious rocket that hurries into the future and lifts its satellites to the stars.

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